In order to have a rational technological scheme of the magnetic roasting - magnetic processing method for tailing ore of Ban Luoc technological samples taken from the Ban Luoc iron mine, the authors have carried out a test research on factors influencing the processing norms such as ore burning temperature, content of originally reversed compounds in burning materials (content in %C), and time for keeping samples in furnace and a study on the regime of postburning magnetic processing. During implementation, they have received the results that only samples M < 2 are feasible, and the M < 0.1 samples are of unfeasibility when using the magnetic roasting - magnetic processing method. Based on the results of the study on the M < 2 samples, a rational technological scheme of the magnetic roasting - magnetic processing method for tailing ore of Ban Luoc technological samples with < 2 mm grain size has been astablished. Rational processing norms have also been identified such as ore burning temperature of 850oC, the content of originally reversed components of 10%C, keeping time of samples in the furnace of 60 minutes, current strength of magnetic processing as 800 oersted. With a content of Fe crude ore of tailing sample M < 2 being 29.84%, after testing processing which follows the rational scheme at laboratory scale, the refined ore with Fe content of 57-58% is equivalent to the real content of 75-78%, and the Fe content of wasted (tailed) product is of under the allowed one (about 10.55%). Therefore, this is a rational technology for reprocessing of tailing samples of the Ban Luoc technological samples for by-product recovery of natural resources and environmental protection as well.
processing of Ban Luoc iron ore, processing of tailing ore, technology for Fe from Cao Bang province.