The technique of drip irrigation is a solution of water saving for crops in the dried areas. Water is supplied on the soil surface directly, continuously and regularly by drippers and then infiltrates into the cultivated soil layer to ensure that plants will grow and develop well. During the experimental process of researching on soil moisture of drip irrigation technique to determine the suitable irrigation schedule for grape leaves at the water scarce regions, the authors have carried out the experiment and observed infiltration spread. Based on calculated and observed results, the authors have proposed the correlation of parameters as follows: infiltration depth, average radius of wetting front on horizontal direction, irrigation water amount and time, velocity of horizontal (vr) and vertical (vz) permeability of drip irrigation technique. The correlation coefficient of parameters is quite high (R2 from 0.906 to 0.9899) and conformable to research on
soil moisture in order to determine the suitableirrigation schedule for grape leaves in particular and for terrestrial plants (with short roots) in
general at the water scarce regions of the South Central Vietnam.
drip irrigation, infiltration, irrigation schedule, permeable velocity.