Ngoc Phong Nguyen, Chi Linh Do*, Hong Hanh Pham, Thy San Pham, Thi Anh Tuyet Ngo
Institute of Materials Science, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
All over the world, gas, water and oil pipelines, storage tanks and many other structures buried in the soil have been played an impotant role in the economy. Under the soil environmental factors such as moisture, pH etc,… the corrosion of metallic structures buried in soil or in contact with soil has caused the serious engineering and economic problems. Impressed current cathodic protection ICCP has been the most effective method for corrosion prevention of the underground metallic tructures. In this paper, an ICCP system using titanium anode coated with mixed metallic oxides MMO for corrosion prevention of ferrous pipelines was investigated. The influence of various soil environment on corrosion rate of ferrous pipelines was also evaluated. Finally, the efficiency of ICCP system at protection potentials of -0.85 V, -0.95 V, and -1.05 V (Ag/AgCl) in the various soil environments was studied.
corrosion, impressed current cathodic protection ICCP, mixed metallic oxides MMO, protection potentials, soil