The purpose of this study is to evaluate the results of this operation. This study was conducted between 10.2013 and 12.2014; 20 shoulders (20 patients with a recurrent anterior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint) had been operated with the arthroscopic glenoid labrum suture combined with bone block in the anterior glenoid rim of the scapular. The anchors spaced at the 5-6 o’clock and 4-5 o’clock positions (right shoulder) or 6-7 o’clock and 7-8 o’clock positions (left shoulder). The iliac crest bone graft was inserted at the 3 o’clock (right shoulder) or 9 o’clock (left shoulder) in the glenoid rim of the scapular. The mean age of the patients at the time of the operation was
26±1.35 (17-43) years; and the average follow- up time was 11±0.35 months. Postoperative complications were listed according to the clinical records which showed that, there were no wound, vascular, or neural complications, no cases of pseudarthrosis between the graft and the anterior glenoid. The bone transplant was well ossified. 20/20 of the patients classified the results as good or excellent. In conclusion, the arthroscopic glenoid labrum suture combined with bone block in the anterior glenoid rim of the scapular is a successful technique to treat anterior shoulder instability. The arthroscopic technique, in addition to being cosmetic and mini-invasive, also offers the unique advantage of providing adequate visualization of the glenohumeral joint and accurate placement of the bone block and screw.