Thi Phuong Thao Tran1*, Cong Thanh Vo1 , Bich Ha Vu Nguyen2
1 College of Agriculture and Applied Biology, Can Tho University
2 College of Agriculture and Food Technology, Tien Giang University
Coping with climate change, the Mekong River Delta of Viet Nam is in the need of rice varieties with short growth durations (90-120 days), good tolerance to salinity (12-19 dSm-1), good resistance to brown plant hopper, and good grain quality. Nang Quot Bien is a seasonal rice with very good tolerance to salinity from 12 to 15 dSm-1. However, its maturity duration is quite long (150-170 days). Therefore, Nang Quot Bien’s maturity duration was shortened by temperature shock mutagen at 500 C for 5 minutes. Mutated lines were tested in terms of salinity tolerance according to IRRI method (1997), grain quality, brown plant hopper resistance, and pure line test by SDS-PAGE protein electrophoresis. Results at the M4 generation showed that two elite lines NQBDB 1-2-1-1 and NQBDB 2-1-6-3 with short maturity (≤110 days), final height <120 cm, low amylose content <20%, resistance to brown plant hopper, lodging resistant. Particularly, the two lines could tolerate to 19 dSm-1 (scale 5) and adapt well with the model of shrimp-rice.
salinity tolerance, SDS-PAGE, seasonal rice, temperature-sensitive.