Ngoc Thuy Vy Giang1 , Thanh Nam Tran2*
1 Ho Chi Minh City Psychiatric Hospital
2 University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
This study assesses perceptions of depressive symptoms, causes and scientific intervention methods in patients with depression. Questionnaires were conducted with a randomized sample of 109 depressive patients with the first-time treatment at Vietnam National Institute of Mental Health - Bachmai Hospital and Ho Chi Minh City Psychiatric Hospital. There are only 16% patients were able to correctly name their depressive disorders. Frequently mentioned symptoms of depression were attention deficit, sleep and somatic problems. Psychological, biological, and social causes were identified. Most respondents would like to seek help (80.7%) but showed a preference for psychiatrist and medical treatment (56.9%), then family care or self-help (44%). The results also showed significant correlations among the patient physical functions, the information resources that patients had already known, and the perception of symptoms, causes, and scientific intervention methods. It was proved that perceptions of symptoms, causes, and scientific intervention methods were influenced the most by the level of physical functions in patients.